Wednesday, 6 March 2019

Michael Mikey Brennan defends his idol Michael Jackson against Sexual Abuse Allegations

It seems that even when legends pass away the press still continue to hound them, Michael Jackson isn't the only one; according to Bernie Taupun's lyrics in "Candle In The Wind" it also happened to Marilyn Monroe, but I doubt that even that continued ten years after her passing (of course, I can't say for sure, being born long after her generation), of course, her case was different to MJ's, but I think Walt Disney was accused of peadophilla too, did that carry on ten years after his death as well? I doubt it (then again, he also died long before I was born, so again, I can't say for sure). All these ridiculous rumours and complete lies about MJ have been going on and off and coming back spreading like conscious diseases for a long time now (and they've been affecting loads of people just as badly as diseases), but it appears that this year is taking more of a toll than ever, all because of that stupid documentary film. Who would have thought that 2019 would be such a tough time - like it has been so far - for us MJ fans? Not to mention the entire Jackson family, think how painful and hurtful this all must be for them, my heart goes out to every single one of them; especially Paris Jackson, I've always had a soft spot and affinity for her, because like me, she also suffers from anxiety and depression and clearly these rumours spreading about her father aren't helping; if anything they're just exacerbating it.

Image result for michael jacksonMichael Jackson is my idol, my hero, my greatest inspiration, he means more to me than any amount of words could ever explain, to me he's the absolute best, the greatest entertainer of all time; he was practically a God to me. He's the reason I sing, the reason I perform and the reason I make music today. I owe everything to him; if it wasn't for him I probably wouldn't be on stage doing what I do today. As one of his biggest fans nothing hurts more than seeing all these disgusting rumours about him spread. It's all so incredibly painful and upsetting, I wish all these accusers, all these haters and all these journalists would fuck off spreading all this bullshit and just let him rest! God, with the amount of press and journalists (that won't fuck off and get off his back) on his case almost 24-7, it's no wonder why he wrote songs like "Leave Me Alone""They Don't Care About Us" and "Scream"; think how frustrating all this would have been for him, the poor guy. Can't everyone just take a hint? MJ was accused and found innocent three bloody times in a row (if he was found innocent before he's going to be found innocent again, nothing will change), he was not, I repeat not, a god damn peadophile! True; I may have not known him personally or met him (although I really wish I did, that would have made my entire life complete) but I know for a fact that he was not a peadophile, he was, is and always will be innocent. He would have never ever hurt a child (and didn't), he said so himself countless times in countless interviews. I would never put him or even picture him in the same category as Jimmy Savile, Gary Glitter and Rolf Harris, he was far from that category, he was nowhere near the likes of them. He was a lovely, kind hearted, caring, sweet, gentle man, definitely not capable of pulling off such a monstrosity. I remember watching this YouTube video of a live performance of "I Want You Back" in 1997 in which he spotted an insect on stage and automatically called his security guard to gently remove it from the stage in order to ensure no one stepped on it. Please, do you honestly think that a man as sweet and value of safety as him was capable of such sickening offences such as peadophilla? Give me a break, he couldn't even hurt an insect, let alone a child. He was harmless and completely misunderstood; people really should look closer into MJ's backstory then they'd realise that there's more to him than simply meets the eye, there are many things that a lot of people have never and still haven't taken into account. Remember, he had a tough life, he was abused by his father - as was Walt Disney by his - and he started his career when he was five years old, he was always on the road and in the studio, he was worked to the ground 24-7, he never had a proper childhood, imagine that, try putting yourself into those shoes, think of all the things he may have missed out on; birthday parities, christmases, easter egg hunts, trick or treating. Fame and fortune isn't all it's cut out to be, even if you're the most famous artist in the entire music industry, it's lonely at the top, when the shows over, the lights go out and the cheering stops you're all alone and the only friends you have are your voice and dance moves.

Image result for michael jacksonI haven't seen "Leaving Neverland", and I don't plan on watching it. I'm not going to waste my time watching a 4 hour film of lies and nonsense. In fact, I don't need to watch it, I've seen plenty of interviews of so-called "victims" in the past and not a single one of them has convinced me and these two jokers - Wade Robson and James Safechuck - aren't falling me either. I even read this article recently in which one of them claimed to have married MJ when they were 10, come on, who would be stupid enough to believe that ridiculous claim? Even Johnny Rotten defended MJ in the past, disagreeing with all the sexual allegations, and as we all know that man has a good sense for peadophiles; he knew about Savile way before he was convicted, so surely if MJ was a peadophile (which he wasn't) Rotten would have owned up about his suspicions a long time ago and he never has. Some of you may believe that he held back for the benefit of MJ's fans, but come on, let's be reasonable, this is Johnny Rotten we're talking about, the King of Punk himself, he's honest and outspoken, he's never one to held back; he never has and never will. This documentary film is a complete sham; every allegation from day one has been a sham, it's just a whole bunch of fuckers hungry for money, all the past accusers knew Michael Jackson, being pretty much the richest artist in the entire music industry (who even once owned the rights to The Beatles' music) would be the perfect target and this documentary film is no exception, it's just two poor fuckers who need a new stove or car, they know that while Michael's legacy continues to live on his estate and family will carry on making millions of money in his honour. And, grow up, just because a grown man is seen with kids it doesn't automatically make them a peadophile, however, it seems that those guys are the perfect targets; thus, targeting MJ and Walt Disney, perceptive yes, but completely stupid and idiotic; what evidence do you have? None at all! Face the facts, Michael Jackson, was not a peadophile, he was a lovely man and one of greatest human beings to ever exist in the dark cruel world, which by the way, would be a much better place if he was still with us.